Blaupunkt Acapulco RDM168 Auto radio schematic
Keyboard schematic and printed circuit boardPower amplifier schematic
Main board schematic and PWB
Blaupunkt Acapulco RDM168 Auto radio schematic
Keyboard schematic and printed circuit boardPower amplifier circuit diagram [schematic]-using Bipolar [BJT] transistors 2N6107-2N6292 in push-pull circuit – used with some Philips tuner amplifiers too. 20 Watts RMS per channel audio output. Use full range 6 Ohms speakers with this set to achieve maximum fidelity.
Power output and Power supply section
Vintage – Transformer-less TV5971 B/W schematic: Hybrid type-
used vacuum tubes and transistors
Used valves: EF183, PCL84, PCL82, PCL85, ECC82, PL36, PY88, 23E6K3T-A59-11W B/W picture tube.
Used vacuum tubes: EF183, PCL84, PCL82, PCL84, PCL85, PL36,
ECC82, PY88, A44 120W 17C6K3N picture tube